Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Game 2 design process (Part 4)

It's been a while since my last update which is basically because of the fact that I pretty much haven't done anything on the game in the past week or more. Which yes I know is a Bad Thing but you get that.

Anyway the progress that I have made so far is to get the important assets done. The terrain is done, however I have a feeling I am going to need to make it much bigger than it currently is. I've made a custom skybox for it, which is just a gradient colour at the moment though I'd like to add some clouds. I'll probably add a sun and sun flare if I get the chance. I have created both a tower where the loot is stashed, and the bloater that flies into it to collect the loot.

Behold the glory:

The aim is to make steam come out of those vents in game.

The tower does end up being super super dark in Unity, and some of the textures flipped about a bit, so I'll have to work on that.

The game itself, unfortunately, is not progressing quite as well. I am having issues repurposing the demo airplane code etc to work with the bloater. I'm also having issues with getting the turret's bullets to actually hit the plane as it flies past. The turret can detect the plane, and it shoots when it gets in range, and then the bullet flies in a lovely parabolic trajectory and doesn't actually hit anything. I've tried fixing it but pretty much all the code I can find is either in Javascript which I'm having issues in translating to C#, adds additional errors to my existing code, or is just plain incomprehensible. I'm also spending a lot of time trying to work out the physics for how the bloater is going to fly using the plane script's variables.

Currently I'm researching how to get the turrets to spawn in random locations in the terrain region, so every time the game is played they'll be in a different spot.

I think my main issue with this game is that I'm just not feeling fun and excited about it like I was with the prehistoric one, I think mainly because this one is much more difficult to bring about. I may have overreached with it, I'm thinking.

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