Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Game 3 design process (Part 3)

The final game is due on Friday so I'm spending some time fixing up some issues and adding final features.

One of the problems I've come across is that under the new UI system the canvas overlays everything. I've added some of the block pickups to the win screen scene as a static display for a bit of visual interest. The canvas I've added has a coloured panel and the panel tints everything in the scene, including the static display.

Scene with panel showing the overlaid purple tint:

Scene without panel with no tint:

So the purple tint overlays everything in the scene, which is nice, but I want my blocks to not be purple.

According to info on the 4.6 beta there is apparently a way to change render textures, but I've played with it and can't get that to work. At the moment I'm leaning towards just adding the blocks as an image instead of as 3D objects and change their appearance order in the canvas, which is what I've done with the typewriter text scene and the shadow on the lose screen. It's easier, but not as pretty - the bump mapping doesn't look as good, for one, and we lose the ability to change positions, rotations, etc of the blocks in the scene on the fly. Essentially they don't look like "real" objects when it's an image.

I've also fixed up some of the header text sizing issues we had in the demo presentation, which was basically just a matter of changing the rec transform anchor and stretch points on the text UI.

Currently I'm adding audio to the rest of the scenes - researching reusing the start screen audio and making it not destroy over subsequent scenes (excluding the play scene which has its own audio), which apparently requires using a singleton, which is apparently a touchy thing to learn. So maybe it won't get done by Friday...

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